Walter Munk Festtage

Thursday - Saturday 



Walter Munk Park
Opening Events

The Walter Munk Park is a tribute to Walter Munk’s enduring relationship with his homeland, Austria. A 2-meter by 1-meter bronze model of the lake serves as the central piece of an installation, which, in conjunction with six information panels, provides visitors with a deeper insight into the science of this wonderful lake.

A collaboration between the municipality of Altaussee, the Altaussee Literature Museum, and the Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans in honor of Prof. Walter Munk, the “Einstein of the Oceans” Participating institutions include the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, University of Innsbruck, Deheyn Lab, San Diego, CA., Raumberg-Gumpenstein High School, Altaussee Fire Department, Salinen Austria AG and the Austrian Federal Forestry Authority.

Thursday - 13.6.

7.30 p.m.: Inaugeral Event – Kur- and Amtshaus Altaussee

Walter Munk – the “Einstein of the Oceans” – Opening by Mayor Gerald Loitzl and Mary Munk
The world-renowned oceanographer Walter Munk was born in Vienna in 1917 and spent each summer and each winter of his childhood in Altaussee, where his grandfather owned a house. At the age of 15, his family sent him to study in the USA, where he gained worldwide fame as an oceanographer.

followed by: Opening lecture Kur- and Amtshaus Altaussee

A Formula for Peace – how an Austrian changed the course of history
Opening lecture featuring Prof. Siegfried Beer, renowned expert on Anglo-Austrian Relations, accompanied by the 2023 holder of the Saline Scholarship of the Literature Museum Altaussee

Friday - 14.6.

all-day from 11 a.m.: Special tours – Salzwelten Altaussee

“The underwater forest in Lake Altaussee”
In 2022 the Fire Department Altaussee recovered in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Forestry Authority, an ancient fir tree from Lake Altaussee. This fir tree from the 8th century has found a fitting home in the Altaussee Saltmines.
Tours at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m.
Registration requested at

7.30 p.m.: Presentations – Kur- and Amtshaus Altaussee

Research results about Lake Altaussee
Special guest: Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and Assistant Director General of UNESCO 
Scientists from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, the University of Innsbruck, the Deheyn Lab, San Diego, Ca. the Gumpenstein-Raumberg High School, the Geocenter Hannover and the Austrian Federal Forestry Authority present the results of their research. The topics of the short presentations range from the “Primeval Lake” through glacial lake basin formation, historical natural events including the “Underwater Forest”, to the effects of climate change on the lake

Saturday - 15.6.

2 p.m.: Opening of the new children’s playground – Walter-Munk-Park (Lakepark)

2.30 p.m.: hands-on research for the whole family – Walter-Munk-Park (Lakepark)

Join the scientists at various stations in the park and along the lake shore.

5 p.m.: Grand Opening – Walter-Munk-Park (Lakepark)

Grand Opening of the Walter Munk Park with Mayor Gerald Loitzl, Mary Munk, and the Salinenmusikkapelle Altaussee

followed by relaxing get-together – Walter-Munk-Park (Lakepark)

Information Panels

There are six new information panels in the Walter-Munk-Park.

 All of them can also be found here:

Walter Munk (far left) with his stepfather Dr. Engelsberg, General Director General of the “Österreichischen Salinen” (far right).